Inflammation -Why is it important???
How will I know if I have inflammation?

Why do I get symptoms?

What should I do when I am injured?

Use medication only if the pain is unbearable. Inflammation is a complex process that protect and repair the body, slowing it down or interfering with the process will compromise the quality of the repair.
Get Treated!
Because many medications used to treat inflammatory diseases can cause harsh side effects, it is important to see your Chiropractor as soon as possible after an injury.
Inflammation starts within the first hour or two after injury, peaks within 1-3 days but lasts at least a couple of weeks.
Treatment to the injured area will significantly speed up the process, as well as optimize the quality of the final healed area.
In old injuries it may be necessary to restart the inflammatory process, to treat the area effectively. This explains why you may have some pain after treatment.